Interim Management

Interim Management

In addition to more and more demanding markets, today’s Managements face an increasing lack of qualified personnel to meet daily challenges.

Oftentimes, companies are shifted into crises by massive management failure, and being there it is even more difficult to move forward due to missing specific know-how. In this situation, Interim Management serves valuable restructuring expertise, and furthermore an external Chief Restructuring Officer (CRO), being available shortly, can take immediate action for change with no political constraints. The company management can meanwhile concentrate on the rebuild of the organization, or the CRO may also become CFO or CEO, if the situation requires it.

„Facts and figures are my main basis for integrated turnaround management, change and growth. Yet, I do also have a strong sales focus! Upon agreement, it is our mission to help the company in all fields and aspects, as the situation mostly requires a time-critical decathlon.“ - Rudolf Menningen, owner of CxO24.

Business Consulting